Week 5
Spring Project Refactoring
Initial Refactoring
Initially, I approached the problem of validating my objects via an external
validator object, which I would pass through to my Service layer, whereupon creating
my object with the posted values (via HTTP), I would then validate:
However, after listening to the discussions of other people, in which they talked about making the object implement an interface IValidateable, and then be able to call upon the method isValid directly onto the object (e.g. dogObject.isValid()), I attempted to try to follow this idealogy within my project. This involved creating an additional interface, a generic abstract class that implemented said interface, and within that said abstract class, take in an IValidator. From there, my model would extend the generic abstract class, and thus have access to a validator via its superclass.
After implementing this method (after some difficulty), I decided to have Sol take a quick look at it and gather his thoughts about it. He actually recommended me to implement something very similar to what I had originally done, as what I had refactored to made it more difficult for others to potentially understand the process of validation occurring, and the readability of my structure as well.
Refactoring the Refactoring
After taking Sols considerations into account, I decided to opt back to what I had
originally (and add some extra parts as well).
RMIT Careers Tech Fair
Had the opportunity to participate as one of MYOB’s representatives at the RMIT Careers Tech Fair, which was a great experience. Met a lot of different RMIT students, and got to be on the other end of scenario (i.e. be the one that’s ‘recruiting’ as opposed to looking for a company, which is a nice experience).
AWS VPC Workshop
- VPC (Virtual Private Cloud): represents a closed network, where the instances within said network can communicate to each other, but not necessarily to external sources. VPC’s are also region specific (geographically) i.e. can have them in Sydney, Oregon, Texas etc, but it cannot span other regions. To access VPC’s externally, we must use an internet gateway (IGW), which essentially represents the door to the VPC’s.
- Availability Zones (AZ): represents the actual physical location of the data centers where the instances are stored. Multi AZ’s are basically multiple availability zones, which are used as a way to prevent loss. As we typically don’t want our application stored on a single physical disk, we’d prefer to keep them stored on a multitude on them (in case something occurs - because then we can start using another instance somewhere else or redirect traffic to another instance).
- Subnets: represents the sub-division of an IP-address. These can also be representative of the availability zones as well. Subnets can communicate to each other via the use of a route table.
Had a quick session with Tony, who went over what Docker is, it’s benefits and how to
set it up. I plan on using it for my projects.
Pairing with Mentor (Graham)
Pairing session, that involved cleaning up old code base.
React (Frontend)
Started with creating a simple form in react for creating a dog. Git - Frontend
Have achieved lvl 5.